Coatching & Consulting コーチング&コンサルティング

Coaching コーチング


コーチングは、対話を通じてクライアントの内面にある可能性や視点を引き出し、成長や目標達成をサポートする手法です。馬車の意味の「コーチ (Coach)」に由来するコーチング。馬車の役割は「大切な人を望む場所まで送り届ける」ことでした。


Coaching is a technique that supports clients in their growth and goal achievement by eliciting their inner potential and perspectives through dialogue. The term 'coaching' originates from the meaning of 'coach' in a horse-drawn carriage. The role of the coach was to 'transport an important person to their desired destination.'

Today, the role of a coach is to 'maximize individuals' abilities and assist in goal achievement.' Through coaching, we provide support for clients to recognize their own values, strengths, and true purposes, empowering them to address challenges and work towards achieving their goals independently.

コーチ:前田 亜有実Coach: Ayumi Maeda

前田 亜有実

和楽Japan 代表。




<グループコーチング> 研修後のフォローアップとして実施することで、メンバーの行動変容を促進します。共通のゴールをもつ仲間との関わりは、思考を刺激し、学びとチャレンジの継続にとても効果的です。ゴールに向けて主体的に行動し、高いパフォーマンスを発揮できる人材を育てることができます。

<資格> ラッセルプロフェッショナルウェルビーイングコーチ

Representative of WARAKU Japan.
Ayumi provides Diversity and Cross-cultural training for a diverse range of clients, including Japanese and foreign employees in both Japanese and foreign companies.

The way we perceive the world varies from person to person. Influenced by our upbringing and experiences, we form values, stereotypes, and beliefs, through which we interpret the world subjectively.
In the era of VUCA, promoting diversity is considered essential for businesses. This is because new perspectives and different values broaden the possibilities for businesses and strengthen organizations. The same applies to individuals. Depending on how we establish the status quo, our different perspectives, ways of thinking, interactions with others, and actions, the possibilities expand, and the future changes.

*VUCA is an acronym formed from the initial letters of the four words: "Volatility," "Uncertainty," "Complexity," and "Ambiguity." It denotes situations in society and business where uncertainty is high, making future predictions difficult.

Coaching is a creative process where coaches and clients build a partnership to maximize their potential in both personal and professional lives through continuous stimulation of thought. Rather than just focusing on methods, coaching addresses each individual's thoughts and values, helping them to realize new ideas, perspectives, and true purposes within a holistic relationship, and supports their transition to new actions towards realization.

Group Coaching: Conducted as a follow-up after training sessions, group coaching promotes behavior change among members. Interacting with peers who share common goals is highly effective in stimulating thought, maintaining continuous learning, and sustaining challenges. It fosters individuals who can take proactive actions towards their goals and achieve high performance.

Professional certification: Russell Professional Well-being Coach
People thrive through connections with others. Be the catalyst for a positive cycle, grow together, and embark on a life of well-being, abundant in both mind and body.

コーチ:牧 直美Coach: Naomi Maki

牧 直美




20 years' experience in the printing business. Although the printing industry was an order-receiving industry, Naomi felt the need to move on from “passive selling” and established a marketing department, bringing significant changes to the organizational structure. By interviewing business managers, she drew out their individual visions and implemented creative and promotional strategies, achieving substantial results.

With Naomi's "Management Thought Sharing Session," she draws out each manager's mission by looking at the essence of each individual. With poor visibility, many SME managers struggle with which direction to take. By becoming a compass for these managers that points the way to go, Naomi provides support to illuminate the path forward, standing by their side to break through the status quo, fostering the creation of new possibilities, supporting their transition to action, and accompanying them on the journey to realize their vision.

As the business environment is changing dramatically with rapid globalization and technological advancements, values regarding work are also diversifying. In such an environment, it is often the case that managers themselves do not have a clear vision. However, in this diverse era, it is more important than ever for managers to create a clear vision and communicate it to their employees.With people of various cultural backgrounds and values gathered together, a shared vision creates a sense of unity and allows them to move forward in the same direction. We can help you build a strong organization where teams work together to achieve goals under a clear management policy.

Cross-Cultual Consulting 異文化コンサルティング

Towards a culturally
diverse organization


With the globalization of business and the growing shortage of human resources, securing excellent human resources across national boundaries is an important issue for companies.
As a result, the importance of “Cross-Cultural Understanding” has been promoted by many companies. However, understanding an invisible culture is not easy, There are many problems caused by accommodating different cultures, such as not achieving expected results, poor team integration, and employees quitting soon.

例えば、単一民族、単一言語の日本では当然の察する文化、「YES / NO」をはっきり言わず、「空気を読む」ことを前提とした曖昧な日本人のコミュニケーションスタイルは、外国人を戸惑わせます。

In order to utilize multicultural environments and diversity to your advantage, it is essential to understand the other party and think from the other person's standpoint.
When people of different backgrounds come together, they come with the culture they’ve absorbed throughout their lives.
For example, for a largely homogenous and single-language culture like Japan, a communication style that assumes "reading the air" without giving direct "YES / NO" answers works, but this style of communication may confuse non-Japanese.
On the other hand, in the West where there are many ethnicities and languages, it is impossible to communicate without direct language.
Japanese negotiating style - where opinions are not expressed clearly are poorly acknowledged in the global environment.
That is not to say one is better than the other. The point is to have " Cross-Cultural Understanding" to understand cultural backgrounds and accept and embrace the asymetry and to have "Cross-Cultural Adaptability" to communicate and act according to the situations and cultural contexts.

  • communicationcommunication
    Get to know and understand each other through open-minded communication.
  • communicationcommunication
    Creating an environment where diverse characteristics coexist and produce synergistic effects.
  • communicationcommunication
    People with a common vision for the future create together.


Diversity is not the ultimate goal.
Without improved business performance as a result of diversity initiatives, those initiatives will not work.
We believe that people of different cultural backgrounds can overcome cultural differences and increase mutual understanding and respect, Waraku Japan will support you in building a collaborative work environment and relationships in which leading to business results.

異文化コンサルタント:前田 亜有実Cultural Consultant: Ayumi Maeda

和楽Japan 代表。
”ビジネスで大切なこと” そんな基礎的な価値観が異なることもあるのです。

Owner, Waraku Japan.
We provide training to foreign capital as well as Japanese companies that hire non-Japanese employees.
While working with clients, I observed many conflicts caused by Cross-cultural gaps, including how to proceed with work, how to build trust, and how the organization ought to be.
Something as fundamental as "what is important in business" may have many different interpretations.
It's said that everybody has some “unconscious bias”. I also had unconscious bias as I interacted with many cultures on a daily basis.


Rather than judging what is right or wrong, the question is how to move towards a shared goal and how to communicate well.
While maintaining a unique Japanese identity, respect for different personalities and co-creating towards shared goals - Going forward, companies will increasingly value such "global" mindsets.


From emotional counselling for non-Japanese employees, to creating career plans, to providing guidance to Japanese employees we will work closely with each client and help them realize their Diversity and Inclusion initiatives.