Cross-Cultural Training 異文化研修

Empowering with diversity!Empowering with diversity!

In an age of global connectivity
and an aging society,
it's important to secure people
from a global talent pool.
Waraku Japan can assist with helping
these diverse talents work together in harmony.

Diversity and Inclusion ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン(多様性&受容)

For Japanese companies that have foreign employees and for the foreign employees,
we want to help strengthen relationships and improve performance in the workforce.


Diversity is not the ultimate goal. Without improved business performance as a result of diversity initiatives, those initiatives will not work.

Diversity means to employ people from different backgrounds, value-sets, cultures, nationality, age and genders.
Inclusion is to acknowledge and accept individual differences and maximize their potential.

The twin initiatives Diversity and Inclusion will contribute positively to business.



ダイバーシティ&インクルージョン(Diversity & Inclusion)の二つが揃うことで

The key to successful D&I is Cross-Cultural UnderstandingThere are as many opportunities as risks for organizations hiring employees coming from different cultural backgrounds.
Particularly with a culture as unique as Japan's, companies can and do experience trouble in bridging the myriad cultural gaps.
At Waraku Japan, we provide specific, tailored Cross-cultural training relevant to your company and actively support
the implementation of D&I initiatives by imparting the communication skills and mindset that provide the catalyst for successful D&I.

和楽Japan では、個々の環境や目的に合わせた異文化研修を提供し、異文化理解にもとづくコミュニケーションスキルやマインドセットの習得、ダイバーシティ&インクルージョンの実現をサポートします。

Three types of Cross-Cultural Training:3つの異文化研修Three types of Cross-Cultural Training:3つの異文化研修

1.Cross-Cultural Training (Standard)

Waraku Japan will support each individual to maximize their potential in Japan by having them proactively learn Japanese modes of thinking, patterns of behavior and culture.

1. 異文化研修 スタンダード日本特有の思考、行動様式を知り、異文化を前向きに受け入れ、1 人1 人が最高のパフォーマンスを発揮できるようサポートします。

Training outcomes:研修効果

  • Smooth adaptation to work and life in Japan日本の生活、職場へのスムーズな適応
  • Acquire communication and cultural knowledge relevant to Japan日本的コミュニケーションとビジネス文化の習得
  • Healthy workplace relations and productive teamworking職場での良好な人間関係と生産的なチームワーク

Perfect for:
Expats, non-Japanese Executives and Employees with a background of working abroad

2.Cross-Cultural Training (Basic)

In addition to uniquely Japanese business culture, basic business manners and global mindsets are taught.
For those who have little work experience, we will also teach the basic principles for approaching work, such as how to manage tasks and processes.

2. 異文化研修 ベーシック日本特有のビジネス文化に加え、

Training outcomes:研修効果

  • Acquire basic business manners and smooth acclimatization to the Japanese workplace基本的なビジネスマナーの習得と日本の職場環境へのスムーズな適応
  • Acquire communication and cultural knowledge relevant to Japan日本的コミュニケーションとビジネス文化の習得
  • Healthy workplace relations and productive teamworking職場での良好な人間関係と生産的なチームワーク

Perfect for:
Exchange Students, Skilled Professionals from APAC nations, Inexperienced Employees

3.Cross-Cultural Training for Japanese Persons

(for companies receiving non-Japanese workers into their workplace)

Standard practice in Japan is idiosyncratic from a global viewpoint.
Acquire knowledge and skills to help recognize and accept one another's differences to build together.

3. 日本人向け異文化研修(外国人受け入れ側)日本のビジネスシーンで当たり前の慣習は世界では特殊なものです。

Training outcomes:研修効果

  • Acquire self-awareness and awareness of others to proactively accept Cross-cultural differences自己認識と他者認識による異文化理解と違いを前向きに受け入れるマインドセットの習得
  • Acquire communication skills and the attitudes that make differences in values a "strength"異なる価値観を「強み」にできるコミュニケーションスキルと姿勢の獲得
  • Healthy workplace relations and productive teamworking職場での良好な人間関係と生産的なチームワーク

Perfect for: Japanese employees that work with non-Japanese employees.

Worries of non-Japanese employees外国人社員の悩みDifference in business customs and lifestyles leading to a decline in motivation and performance!ビジネス習慣やライフスタイルの相違がパフォーマンスやモチベーションを下げる要因に!

    • I need to quickly settle in and acclimatize.日本の暮らしや職場環境に馴染めない…
    • Japanese communication style is hard to understand.日本特有のコミュニケーションスタイルによるトラブル
    • I don't understand Japanese business customs and culture.商慣習の違いから成果が上げ難い…
    • It's hard to build strong relations.職場の上下関係や交友関係の悩み
    • Japanese attitudes to work are so different.価値観や仕事に対する意識の違い

I wish I had more knowledge for Japanese culture and business environment ...日本の文化、ビジネス環境の知識がもっとあれば…

Worries of Japanese companies日本企業の悩みTroubles and misunderstandings arising from inadequate Cross-Cultural Understanding!異文化理解の欠如が認識相違やトラブルに!

    • Language barrier言葉の壁
    • Miscommunication due to cultural gaps異文化ギャップによるミスコミュニケーション
    • Poor fit to Japanese organizations and teamworking style日本の組織、
    • Differences in work methods; the way to proceed with work, time management, interpersonal relations, etc.働き方、価値観の違い-仕事の進め方、時間管理、人付き合いなど
    • Lack of Ho-Ren-So(Report, Contact and Consult)報連相がない
    • Poor retention of talented employees優秀な人財が定着しない

What should we do to overcome cultural differences and build an organization that maximize their potential???文化の違いを乗り越え、互いの力を活かし合える組織にするにはどうすれば…???

Cross-cultural training will help with these issues!

異文化研修で悩みを解決!By learning and understanding other cultures and their backgrounds, mutual understanding is improved.
We support the development of human resources with high communication skills to achieve goals in a different cultural environment.

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